Terms and Conditions
Quotes which do not have an acceptance deadline are valid for 30 days from the date of issuance. All prices in the quote and order confirmation are always ex. VAT.
Order confirmation
Only orders for which there is a written confirmation from Bossmow are binding upon Bossmow and only on the terms contained in the order confirmation.
Cancellation of orders
If following the buyer’s request an agreement is entered to cancel a submitted order, we retain the right to invoice all incurred and expended costs related to the order. Bossmow may cancel a previously confirmed order if the buyer has an unsettled financial engagement with Bossmow.
Delivery Terms
The stated delivery terms are fixed according to our best estimate but are not binding on us and delays do not entitle the buyer to any other default remediation than cancellation of the purchase, and this only in cases where the delay is substantial. Stated delivery times are ex works. Unless otherwise agreed, delivery ex works is undertaken at the buyer’s risk and expense. Notwithstanding Bossmow bearing the costs of the goods transport, the buyer thus bears the risk of accidental incidents that may impact the goods after delivery.
Buyers must themselves take out any insurance against transport risks. Delivery times are conditional on strikes, lockouts, operational interruptions, delays from our suppliers as well as other circumstances beyond our control.
We choose the method of shipping in accordance with our best judgement, unless the customer expressly directs otherwise.
Unless otherwise agreed in writing, shipping costs shall be borne by the customer.
Invoicing and payment
Payment terms are 8 days net, unless otherwise agreed in writing. If the due payment date is exceeded, the invoice amount shall be charged with 1.5% per commenced month as well as a reminder fee. We retain the right to change the interest rate in the event of changes in the market interest rate. Payments shall cover in advance any interest due.
For orders less than DKK 3,500/EUR 460, Bossmow retains the right to invoice a processing fee of DKK 276/EUR 37 per order. All prices are exclusive any environmental tariffs.
Separate quotes shall be drafted for any individually adapted goods.
The buyer must check the goods immediately on receipt and any claims shall be made no later than 8 days following receipt of the goods.
Unless otherwise agreed, defective goods for which claims are lodged must be returned to Bossmow in the same condition as they were received. Claims do not entitle the buyer to withhold payment for the goods delivered. Bossmow cannot be subject to compensation claims that exceed the value of the goods. In connection herewith, it must be expressly stated that Bossmow is not liable for operating losses or other indirect losses that may be due to absent, delayed, deficient or other incomplete deliveries.
Bossmow is not liable for any further processing or use of the goods.
In the event of a claim, all the material involved must be accessible at the delivery address. Claims must be made in writing withan indication of the item designation, order number, production date and quantity as well as a description of the grounds for the claim. The seller undertakes to commence claims processing within 14 days.
Specially prepared products, externally procured items as well as stock items that are cut to measure, may not be returned. Delivered stock items may only be returned following prior agreement. Crediting shall be 75% of the invoiced value. Items returned without prior agreement shall not be accepted.
Returns are made at the buyer’s expense.
The ownership rights to the goods remain with Bossmow until the whole purchase amount with interest, costs etc. is paid in full.
That which we have provided for use in connection with the delivery, such as fabrication or specialised tools or similar, is the property of Bossmow and may not after completion of the work be claimed for handover. This applies regardless of whether that which was provided has been separately invoiced.
Product liability
For injury or damage to persons or objects, the seller is liable to the extent compensation liability may be imposed on the seller. The seller however in no circumstances assumes liability for operating losses, loss of time, profit or indirect losses.
Resolution of any disagreements arising from Bossmow’ deliveries or regarding interpretation of these sales and delivery terms shall be sought via negotiation between the parties. If these negotiations do not lead to a result, any resultant court case shall be heard in a Danish Court and ruled on pursuant to Danish law.
The above sales and delivery terms come into effect as of April 1, 2024, unless otherwise agreed between Bossmow and the buyer.
Bosscom ApS
Ambolten 19
DK-6000 Kolding
VAT: DK44304058
Phone: +45 70 20 00 45
Bank: Danske Bank
DKK: 4597-0013683530
EUR: 4597-4597129459
DKK iban: DK0330000013683530
EUR iban: DK0930004597129459